Friday, November 16, 2012

Stay tuned !!

I am very impressed with myself for remembering how to log onto this website and get into this blog!  I am really looking forward to adding more thoughts and stories from this year.  I am on my four-over-five and I can't believe it is always midway through November.  The summer was spent working at Shad Valley Carleton, August was spent loafing around, September was spent looking for work and planning out my year to some extent, October marked the beginning of my part-time work back at the Ontario Science Centre, and now November sees me finalizing plans and settling into a groove.

Oh Shad Valley:  Drive, Stretch, Dream.  Never have I ever been so utterly busy, my day so completely full from the second I wake up until the instant my head hits the pillow at night.  For those four weeks, I got to listen to lectures from leaders in academia and industry, create and deliver workshops, and work with so many smart and special teenagers.  I miss you.

And Science Centre, it's great to be back.  I love you.